BlRobbie K. Melton, Ph.D. is a full tenured professor at Tennessee State University (TSU), School of Education: Department of Education Leadership. (www.tnstate.edu) *Area of research: Emerging Smart Connected Mobile Technology of the Internet of Everything (IOE). Melton is a renown international presenter, researcher, and technology evaluator regarding the transformation of smart mobile devices, wearable technologies, and mixed reality technologies of virtual (VR), augmented (AR), and holograms (HR) technologies for immersive learning. She has presented internationally at such conferences as UNESCO Mobile Conference (Paris), eAfrica MERLOT Learning (Senegal), Canada’s Lambton Mobile Learning Summit (Toronto), Education Innovation Conference in Buenos Aires – Argentina, and keynoter at the University of the West of Scotland Learning and Teaching conference.
Dr. Melton served for ten years as the Associate Vice Chancellor of Mobilization Emerging Technology for Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) and ten years as the child administrator responsible for the strategic planning and implementation of Tennessee Board of Regents System Wide Regents Online Campus Collaborative (ROCC): Regents Online Degree Programs (RODP) and Regents Online Continuing Education (ROCE). Chief responsibilities included TBR eLearning Strategic Planning, program planning, program implementation and management (eight online degree programs including technical certificates, associate degrees, bachelor degrees, MSN, M.Ed. and seven teacher education additional endorsements (ESL, special education, Math, Biology, Chemistry, vocational education, and early childhood education), online continuing education and professional certificates), faculty training, student services, course development, pedagogy of online teaching and learning, and program evaluations. *ROCC received the 2008 Platinum Award for Outstanding eLearning Program from the IMS Global Learning Consortium for 2008.
Melton has acquired a new distinction as an “App-ologist” due to her study of the pedagogy teaching with mobile apps, and her curation of mobile apps for all spectrum of education. Starting Fall 2017, Melton will serve as the Teacher Technology Curriculum Designer for ‘Training- the Trainers’ for the Malawi Child Friendly – Gender Responsive UN-UNICEF Project. Melton is the winner of numerous international technology awards; the latest being the 2019 Hall of Fame – United States Distance Learning Association, 2018 TSU Woman of Distinction for Education Excellence 2016 MERLOT Technology Distinguished Leadership Award, CDE Top 30- 2014 Technologists, Transformers and Trailblazers Award, 2013 Apple Distinguished Educator, WCET 2012 Technology WOW Teaching Award, coordinating educational professional development and training with HP, Microsoft, Dell, Samsung, Apple, Google, Verizon Wireless, ATT, etc. and championing her organization to be recognized as the 2017 ‘100 Outstanding Organizational Leaders in Educational Technology. Her mission is for digital access and equity!